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Journal Editorship

The Department is proudly affiliated with four peer-reviewed journals:  The American Sociologist ,  City and Community, The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, and Sociological Focus .

The American Sociologist

Main Editor:  Lawrence Nichols 

The American Sociologist publishes papers, comments, and other writings on topics of professional and disciplinary concern to sociologists. The contents examine intellectual, practical, and ethical issues affecting the work, careers, and perspectives of sociologists. In addition, the journal encourages research and reporting on ways in which sociological knowledge and skill relate to issues of broad public concern, past, present, and future.

Topics in The American Sociologist include the uses of sociology in academic and nonacademic settings; training, placement, and career paths of sociologists; structural and ideological dimensions affecting the development of new perspectives in the discipline; the ethics of research, teaching, and practice; the application of sociological knowledge and methods in practical problems; the historical and interdisciplinary roots of sociological knowledge; and the contributions of sociologists to professional and public issues .

City and Community

Associate Editor:  Rachael Woldoff

City & Community aims to advance urban sociological theory, promote the highest quality empirical research on communities and urban social life, and encourage sociological perspectives on urban policy. It welcomes contributions that employ quantitative and qualitative methods as well as comparative and historical approaches. The journal encourages manuscripts exploring the interface of global and local issues, locally embedded social interaction and community life, urban culture and the meaning of place, and sociological approaches to urban political economy. The journal also seeks articles on urban spatial arrangements, social impacts of local natural and built environments, urban and rural inequalities, virtual communities, and other topics germane to urban life and communities that will advance general sociological theory.

Sociological Focus 

Editor: Rachel Stein 

Sociological Focus  is the official publication of the  North Central Sociological Association ( NCSA). Published continuously since 1968, the quarterly journal is international in scope, covering a full range of topics of current interest to sociology and related social science disciplines. The journal is peer-reviewed and committed to publishing high quality research on substantive issues of importance to the study of social life. The journal's mission is broad in scope, encompassing both empirical and theoretical works (both quantitative and qualitative in nature), as well as manuscripts presenting up to date literature review of any field of sociology.

The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
Associate Editor: Daniel Renfrew

The  Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology  (JLACA ) is a peer-reviewed journal of anthropological research on Latin America and the Caribbean. JLACA publishes original research grounded in ethnography in different article formats. The Journal welcomes contributions that integrate interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies with ethnographic processes of knowledge production. The JLACA maintains an inclusive geographical scope that includes diasporic populations throughout the Americas and the world. The journal’s purview also includes global processes that effect or interconnect not only different regions or nations within the Americas but also the Americas with other world geographic regions.  To reach a broader international readership and base of contributing authors, JLACA’s mandate includes publishing in English, Spanish and Portuguese.