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SOCA Undergraduate Symposium - Spring 2021

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology would like to welcome you to the First Annual SOCA Undergraduate Symposium! This event celebrates research and other academic works by students majoring in one of our three undergraduate programs: SOciology, Criminology, and Anthropology.

This is a virtual event. Students have presented posters and papers via asynchronous videos. Student presentations will be made available at 11:00 AM on Saturday, April 24 and will be available afterwards for a minimum of three weeks. All are welcome to “attend” this event by viewing presentation videos, asking questions, and commenting: parents, friends, faculty, fellow students, and members of the public.

SOCA Undergraduate Symposium 2021 Program 2021 Program


Presenter Name


   Abstract / Poster / Slides

Nicholas Miller

COVID-19 Social Problems in Contemporary America

    Abstract / Slides


Presenter Name


   Abstract / Poster / Slides

Noah Adams

Plea Bargaining in the Criminal Justice System

    Abstract / Slides

Taylor Beasley

Police Discretion and Maintaining Order

    Abstract / Poster

Drew Dale

CORRECTIONS: Rehabilitation, Recidivism, Reform and Everything in Between

    Abstract / Poster

Jeffrey DiGuiseppe

Overcrowding in Prisons

    Abstract/ Poster

Kailey Fenning

How the Insanity Plea Shapes Criminal Prosecution

    Abstract / Poster

Cody Fiscus

Community Policing in America

    Abstract / Poster 

Kassidee Forinash

Sexual Assault Cases in the Criminal Justice System

    Abstract / Poster

Morgan Fox

Types of Emotional Testing for Police Recruits

    Abstract / Poster

Frederick Mantsch

Mass Incarceration Causes Inequality

    Abstract / Poster

Briason Mays

Plea Bargaining and Race in the Criminal Justice System

    Abstract / Poster

Kadyrose Newman

Manipulative Interrogation in U.S. Criminal Justice System

    Abstract / Poster

Jared Rapoport

The Fifth Amendment and the Right to Remain Silent

    Abstract / Poster

Samantha Sharp

Mental Health and Mental Illness as Mechanisms in the Criminal Justice System

    Abstract / Poster

Skylar Sweet

The Need for Police Reform

    Abstract / Poster

Fiona Taylor

The CSI Effect and How it Has Affected the Administration of Justice: Jury Expectations

    Abstract / Poster

Malik Thornton

The Race on Death Row

    Abstract  Poster

Christopher Wolfe                                Policing methods effects on the          Abstract Poster


Presenter Name

Presentation No.


Amiri Bartley

The Peculiar Positioning of African American Identity: A Comprehensive Examination of Identity and Ancestry

    Abstract / Poster

Adam Benjamin

Culture on the Line: Labor and Hegemony in Eastern Appalachia

    Abstract Poster

Talia Buchman

Exploring Lemur Memory: Examining Eulemur mongoz (mongoose lemurs) and Lemur catta’s (ring-tailed lemurs) Memory Through a Novel Enrichment Item

    Abstract Poster

Daniel D. Dillon

“You call this archaeology?” How popular misrepresentations may influence site discovery and preservation

    Abstract Poster

Kylie Macchia

Exploring Identity and Connection Through Role-Playing Games

    Abstract Poster

Abigail McCardel

When Did the View on Fur Switch from Status to Stigma?

    Abstract Poster

Haley Mullins

Why Did Neanderthals Go Extinct?

    Abstract Poster

Keen Owen

Color Coding Classification in Counterculture Communities

    Abstract Poster

Gretchen Pifer

Why aren't we all ultramarathoners?: Tying evolutionary data to modern cultural and social practices about endurance running

    Abstract Poster

Paige Schmitt

Forensic Anthropology in Contexts of Human Rights Violations and Mass Violence: An examination of the ethical, political, and methodological considerations

    Abstract Poster

Paige Schmitt

The Physical Fit Analysis of Duct Tapes and its Relevance to Forensic Anthropology 

    Abstract Poster

Keilee Smith

The Mobile Phone, changing our behaviors and socialization

    Abstract Poster

Olivia Sokos

Unequal Participation of Women in United States Politics

    Abstract Poster

Fiona Taylor

How Distance Affects Funerary Culture and Values in 19th Century Virginia: A Comparison Study

    Abstract Poster